  • You Are Not Alone! This what Jesus revealed to us, teaching us to live with our eternal Father from the inside out. This union of Jesus with the Father influenced everything he said, and everything he did!Jesus does not want

  • The Secrets of Jesus In John 5:19 the Bible reveals Jesus's life secrets! "Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because

  • To Love God in Actions is What Matters!   If You do not Love Jesus, Forget Everything! Home-groups, mission trips, discipleship, evangelism… It is all meaningless! Love is not by force! Love God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is what

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    We Can Not Live Alone!

    You Are Not Alone! This what Jesus revealed to us, teaching us to live with

    Dreams & Visions

    God Is YHWH!

    An Angel of the Lord told me… God Is YHWH! I was praying to God,

    Prophetic Word

    Alert For Mexico!

    Alert for Mexico! March 6th, 2021.    The Lord God showed me in dreams a



    We Can Not Live Alone!

    You Are Not Alone! This what Jesus revealed to us, teaching us to live with our eternal Father from the inside out. This union of

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    Dreams & Visions

    God Is YHWH!

    An Angel of the Lord told me… God Is YHWH! I was praying to God, pouring out my heart him, and I got a dream.

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    Prophetic Word

    Alert For Mexico!

    Alert for Mexico! March 6th, 2021.    The Lord God showed me in dreams a civil war in Mexico! I dreamed that I was in

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    We Can Not Live Alone!

    You Are Not Alone! This what Jesus revealed to us, teaching us to live with our eternal Father from the inside out. This union of

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