
Partner with us in the Kingdom of Christ to change lives & saving souls!

Thank you in advance for those who partner with us in the Ministry of Jesus as our Father lead you!

A Way to join the Mission of preaching the Gospel to all Creation is by Giving.

You are helping us to change lives, people to be delivered, healed and redeemed by the power of the Gospel with the Holy Spirit!


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CAIXA ECONOMICA || AG: 3537  Operação: 013
Conta: 00013780-4

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WhatsApp:  +55 48 99155 8788


Together, Let's make an Eternal Impact!


Partnership is a real commitment of faith between members of One Body of Christ as the Father lead us together to extend his Kingdom on Earth.

We know the value of your tenth and offering to the Ministry of Jesus , It's important for us to share with you what God is doing through and in the Ministry, to join your heart with us in prayer and care to the Work of the Lord .

The Nature of Our Ministry

As a dead seed under the ground and the water brings a new life into it, We’ve gone through a variety of seasons! The Journey of our Ministry reflects the grace and the Resurrection of Christ in us as we die to our self-centeredness only to see Jesus who was dead, and now He is alive to appear to us and establish his throne in our hearts and make our lives his own life, rising up the New Life of Christ in us!

Through our teachings and preaching the simple Gospel of reconciliation between the invisible God and the world through our ministry with the presence of our lord Jesus in the streets, we are witness for the work of the Lord Jesus with us together with persecution from the World in impacting thouthands of people to encounter the invisible God, we are seeing Heavens open over the streets, the Lord Jesus is delivering the souls and healing the sick and his amazing grace is flowing like a rushing river to the souls of the people in the desert of the sinful world! our mission is rooting the people’s experiences about christianity in the presence of our Eternal Father so they can taste and see the loving kindness and the goodness of God, through spirit of prayer we lead them to interact with the gospel and cause their encounter with the presence of God instead of a religion!

Your Financial Donations..

Vision of Christ need a Provision from the Body of Christ

Today, As we are preaching the gospel daily in the streets, many people are desiring to know more Jesus and have more of the life of christ and be disciplined and we realized our need for A PLACE!

God is leading us to establish a Church with a Mission Base for a gatherings of effective disciples that are on fire for the Mission of preaching the Gospel in public.

also we will do Brazilian, English and Arabic Services in the Church, where we can discipline and baptize those who accepted the Lord from our Evangelism in the streets.

Obs: it's an urgent call to have an Arabic Evangelical service, thousands of Arab people came to the city and there is no arabic Church for the arabic community.

It also will financing our family, cost of travel, the materials of evangelism, buying bibles, online ministry, website, videos, printing our books, giving a provision for missionaries that we receiving and honoring the poor families among the family of Christ, as we are committing our selves to become a river of blessings to strengthen and connect with other ministries.

The Impact of Our Service

We have been Extending the Kingdom of our Father for many Years… In many nations around the globe, including Persecuted Countries and bringing the Gospel to the Muslims and Syrian Refugees, and at the last 10 years we have been equipping the body of Christ in more than 200 local Churches in Brazil! God led us to change our place 68 times around Brazil, As well we evangelize in the streets with a sound box where thousands of people are impacted by the power of the gospel and gave their lives to Jesus daily and by the grace of God we are pastoring a home churches and we wrote four books to discipline the Home Churches to live the life of Christ and equipping them to serve the Kingdom of our Father effectively as we do.

the cry of Christ is in our hearts for the salvation of the lost souls and to turn the life of the Christians into a manifested sons and daughters of God who serves the Kingdom of their Father daily in this lost world with deep love, compassion and Great Joy as Jesus did and still doing!

Your Constant Partnership with Our ministry

literally Will impact eternal destinies of the souls, by helping us keep paying the cost of the ministry, Travel, giving bibles, materials of the evangelism ! As well, making teachings and conferences to equip the body of Christ to become as Jesus is in this world.

The Reward of God to your Partnership

As family of christ, we give, not because we have more than enough! We died with Jesus and now the Christ who lives in us, He is the one who gave and keep giving his life to the world, we give, because christ in us loving the souls and that is manifesting in preaching the gospel to them, discipline them and teaching them the truth and set them free by the anointing of the holy spirit. the Father is trusting christ in us to seek and extend His Kingdom as first priority in our life! as He promised in his word, once you chose the spirit of Christ to be Lord over your money to extend the ministry of the Gospel, You are empowering the Kingdom of Light to dominate over the darkness on Earth, You are sharing the Heavenly rewards and blessings from God towards your life of every soul won, every life changed and impacted by the power of preaching the Gospel, and teaching the words of the Eternal Life to the people. Heavens are watching over Everything is happening on Earth and God will make sure to Bless every partner in the Ministry of the Gospel to keep the work of the gospel effective on Earth.

We exist to Manifest the Invisible King Jesus into the world and make him visible to the souls of humanity and he is the one who attract them into the Eternal Life of Communion with Abba Father!

We invite you to join what Jesus is doing on Earth Today by Paying the Cost of the Gospel with us to empower us to extend the Kingdom of God in our generation by becoming Partner With Us Today!

Philippians 4: 10-19, Galatians 6: 6-10, 2 Corinthians 9: 10-15


Ministry Christianity Reformation


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