
Look at the Sun, Not Your Shadow!

The Shadow of the Giant!


There is a True Story…

About an ancient tribe, who used to usually go to the top of a mountain in the morning to see the sunrise. Once while observing, they saw a great shadow of a Marvelous Giant moving in the mountains! Amazed they declared: “This Is God!”.
On the next day, they decided to summon everyone in the tribe, from the kids to the old, to climb this mountain, to see the Giant’s shadow displayed on the mountain, to communicate with him and worship him!

All the days they began to climb the mountain to watch the movement of the Giant’s shadow, admiring and loving that marvellous event! The Giant was keeping on moving, they could see his shadow!

Years after years, they climbed that mountain, worshipped the shadow of the Giant and made devoted sacrifices to him!
Until one day, one member of the tribe stopped in the middle of the worship, and following the shadow of the Giant, he made a mighty discover!
He realized that the Giant was actually their own shadow reflected on the mountain, because of the Sun! Didn’t exist a Giant! He was not God! Was just their own reflected shadow!

He started to show to the people of his tribe that didn’t exist Giant, and that was their own shadow, pointing to it! He proved the truth of that shadow, but most of them rejected him and killed him, instead of analyzing the facts and believe in him!

However, there were people who discovered also that the Giant’s shadow was not God, for that was a false God! But still, they prefered to follow the majority, which was smaller shadows, instead of looking straight for the sun and their position! Maybe, they used to prefer to pretend because of fear of facing the falsehood of the mind, and of being exposed to the limitless Truth, where the eyes of their heart, mind and life used to be so more comfortable looking at the shadow, being at ease with the lies, instead of the Truth!

This Story Follows the Same Path showed in the Bible!

With false worships, false gods, false prophets and lies! On the other hand, with a True, Faithfull prophets, True Worship and a Real True God!
We must realize that follow our own shadows and our own human wisdom full of opinions, based on false experiences and lies of this world, will not guide us to the Sun of Justice! To Jesus Christ and the Creator God!

“But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays.” Malachi 4: 2a NIV.

To follow the Truth and the One Unique God, rejection and persecution will happen by the majority.

“Who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way, they always heap up their sins to the limit. The wrath of God has come upon them at last.” 1 Thessalonians 2: 15-16 NIV.

Once the Light of Jesus, The Morning Star is an unlimited light, which makes us see the Ultimate Truth, enabling us to stop following the darkness with its shadow and turn our eyes, and head to God! This is Repentance! To become full of Light and Truth!

“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8: 12 ESV.

Many people today prefer to walk with the majority rather than becoming one of the few who see and live in Truth. They live and die under so many lies, worshipping their own shadow and loving the deceiving lies which makes them social comfortable!
But so few are those who turn their faces to the Sun, allowing the sunlight to shine over all the darkness, making them have the right wisdom.

“Yet at the same time, many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees, they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved human praise more than praise from God.  Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me.” John 12: 42-44 NIV.

When Jesus called us to follow Him,

He did not call us to follow our image of Christ! Or even the image of Christ in others! But to follow the Person of Jesus Christ who desires to inhabit and unite our souls and lives, through the Person of the Holy Spirit, from now on and continue forever! We are living in a world where the stars are the actors and hypocrites who are worshipping their own shadow! But remember that the Spiritual Church of Christ is not of this world to imitate and believe in its deception!

The modern religious idols who replace God today, love, and adore their own shadows, and have led many to worship them! Or even you have worshipped and sacrificed for your own life, for your own success, for your own services, for your own pride, for your own justice!
Our intention to follow Jesus should aim to please him, instead of pleasing ourselves!

Think About It…

If we just try to do good and be Holy in our own human ways, and still keep the key to controlling our life in our hands instead of God’s, we will still be climbing the mountain to worship our shadow! Our sacrifices, our services and our goals will be to worship our own shadow!


The Holy Spirit will now reveal to you what are the shadows in your own life! Perhaps you are going through your daily life alone without God! Perhaps you have lost your intimacy and love with your Eternal Father! Perhaps you are stuck in Christian programs and routines in the Churches! Or trying to have your Christian life without giving your heart and your life to a person of Jesus! Perhaps you have allowed pastors or spiritual leaders who are serving the Lord Jesus, to replace Jesus’ position in your heart and in your life, following the shadow of Jesus through them!

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1: 7 KJV.




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