
and mission


Jesus wasn't a Christian, He was & is the Son of God.

{YHWH The Invisible Creator of the Universe.}

We exist to go with Jesus to the World and bring the people to the communion with the Father.

Empowering lives to encounter God through Street Evangelism and practical discipleship.
Join us in spreading God's transformative grace and love.

Join the Tent OF GLORY

The Son of God died at the Cross to to torn the veil between the man & the invisible God, to remove the Sin of the world and to let the Glory of the Father be revealed to us and Manifested through us to the Human Life in the World.

God wants to stretch the Tent of His Glory through You &Me in this World! Referring to Christ in You rule from the invisible Heavens to the visible Earth. This is possible by placing the Holy Spirit in the heart of humanity through preaching the simple message of the gospel and teaching them the New Way of Life in the Glory of Christ instead of religion & traditions of Men.

The Holy Spirit is willing to flow through every Son/Daughter of God daily, not only within the four walls of the churches, but to impact the World everywhere they go and live! In the middle of the family, at work, at school, in the shopping center, on the streets … Having joy as the mark of their justification, purity and freedom, just as Jesus is, so we are! Jesus was engaging the people not only every Sunday in the Church, but simply in their real sense of life.. full of heavenly love, grace, humility, honesty and temperance, covered by the power of his Father manifest itself in doing God’s will! 

We inviting you to join the journey of stretching the tent of Glory with us! Read more..



~ GOD DID A WONDER ~ after long story with preaching the truth of Christ in us  along with the suffering of persecution , we got our toel from the wash machine and we found this blue fish designed by the soap powder! as a supernatural prophetic confirmation for what God planted in our hearts! God said to us; reform my Church to the Primitive Church Lifestyle!


WHY GOD DREW A  FISH? The Fish was the mark of the Primitive Church..

After many years of serving the body of Christ under the leadership of the teachings of  Christ and his Spirit, God began to show us the need to reform the way Christianity became!

We begin the Ministry of Christianity Reformation into Communion with Abba, where we fishing the souls by the net of preaching the Gospel in the streets and cleaning them by the word of Christ to empower them accomplishing the call of GOD to their life! Read More..

the army
of god

“Praying at all times with all the prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching over it with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” Ephesians 6: 18 NIV.  

The Prayer Army is the Spiritual Army of the Kingdom of God! We commit ourselves to pray for each other on earth. We understand that prayers change the whole history of mankind!

As we were instructed by the Lord Jesus, to pray for each other through the Holy Spirit and the word of God, regardless to our different churches congregations, our different geographic places or our different time, we understand that the spiritual world is not influenced by the difference of our time or our geographical places. Read more..


The Bible is a book of the works of God through the lives of the people who walked with him! God is still writing his history on earth through the life of his family, because He is the only living God which is present forever. Therefore, to write our testimonies and share it with each other is what causes the people to praise The Father for his goodness everyday!


Ministry Christianity Reformation


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