than Well Known!
Our actions are deeper than our words, and our intentions are deeper than our actions! Our pure intentions to hear and do the Doctrine of Christ are the result of our eternal union in loving the Lord Jesus, the Father and one another; and our obedient actions are the result of our fellowship with our Father.
Each person who wants to be part of the Ministry Christianity Reformation into Communion with Abba (CWA) must apply the Doctrine of Christ in their lives! We are not inviting you to agree with us, but to research the Doctrine of Christ for yourself and agree with it by applying it!
As a consequence, we will have a common foundation to build our union and grow together as a Family of God!
Please, read and meditate in our book Christianity Reformation into Communion with Abba.
To be part of this Ministry is necessary to read the Book Here. Download the book on the link below.
Each person in the CWA Family is an active member in the Kingdom of God. Everyone is included and nobody is excluded from obeying and applying all the teachings of the Doctrine of Christ, so that everyone can grow together in a union with the mind, heart and life of Christ who lives in us, manifesting the maturity of a Body of Christ!
Our Actions are deeper than Our Words, and Our Intentions are deeper than Our Actions!
The Family of Abba is a company of Faithful servants of the Lord who are united in communion with the Father of Jesus Christ and they are offering their lives as living sacrifices to serve the will of the Father instead of their own will because their hearts hungry and thirsty for the love of God and they are governed by the spirit of the fear of the lord instead of the fear of man, which turning their lives to please their Father instead of pleasing the religion and human expectations! They love to be disciplined by the Truth of the word of God daily in all the areas of their lives because they loving their Father and they want to enjoy their eternal Freedom with Him and rule with Him on Earth& Their reward in life is not to be praised by people but it’s the Joy of the pleasing their Father in Heavens & to Hear from The Lord “Well Done My Faithful Servant!” Matthew 25:23
Our intentions to hear and do the Doctrine of Christ must come from our individual internal desires to be in union with Him, in desiring to love the Father and his Family as He loves us. Obedient actions to the Father are the result of our communion with Him! Where we are always hearing Him and doing what He says, so as Jesus is, so we are in this world!
Each person who wants to be part of The Family of Abba must be willing to submit his heart to the Father and open his personal life to serve the commands of Christ Together!
We are not inviting you to agree with us, but to research the Doctrine of Christ for yourself and agree with it by applying it with us, so we could serve the will of the Father Together!
”Jesus answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren are these which Hear the word of God, and Do it.” Luke 8:21 KJV
As a consequence, we will have a common foundation to build our union and growth together as a Family of God!
Each person in The Family of Abba is an active servant of the Lord, who will learn to Go with Jesus to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, cast out Demons, Baptize in water and in the Holy Spirit, and teach others to do the same, as the Lord commanded. Everyone is included and nobody is excluded from obeying and applying all the teachings of the Doctrine of Christ so that all of us can grow in the full manifestation of the Sons of God as a result of our union in one mind, heart, and life of Christ who lives in us!
Please, read and meditate in our book Christianity Reformation into Communion with Abba. which revealing the Heart, the Vision & the Mission of our Ministry. To be part of The Family of Abba is necessary to read the Book Here and after that you can fill up this form.
1 John 1
From now on you’ll always be up to date with our latest news. And you will receive a messages of Encouragement and Biblical Teachings to help you to Follow Jesus & Live in Communion with Abba!