
Vision &


The reality of God is the Glory of the Living God, not a religion!

The Living God wants to extend the Tent of His Glory on the Earth!

The body of Christ is the Tent of the Glory of the Living God that moves upon the Earth.

in 2020, The Lord God visited us in a dream through his Angel and told us: “You Are a Tent For Nations!” and Instructed us to study and apply the messages of Paul into Timothy! 

The Holy Spirit was sent by God to make our hearts and lives a perfect comfort Tent where the Glory of the Living God find his rest and comfort to inhabit our present lives upon the earth!

The Glory of the Living God want to flow through his sons and daughters into the whole world, throuh becoming a daily co-workers with Jesus to preach the Gospel and placing the Holy Spirit into the soul of the human being, teaching them the New Way of Life with the Glory of the Living God.



The First Pillar

Communion with Abba (CWA):

The First Command. Where the Holy Spirit is within us to reveal the Father and Christ , to uniting our souls with God in the Holy of Holies.

It is the very reason of the Gospel! Learn to live an Internal life of Communion with our Father personally and as the Family of Abba.

It’s a regular meetings in homes, where we seek the glory of our Father together and praise him, we are commitited to live in the presence of God and to be equipped to become an active disciple of the Lord Jesus and a manifested Son of God. We study and discuss the word of God for the purpose of becoming doers of the word of God in all the areas of our lives.

As the Family of Abba, we love each other as Jesus loves us, equipping and helping one another spiritually and physically!

We also have Communion with Abba for Kids, with the elaboration of own Biblical materials, approaching a practical life with the presence of Jesus in the children’s reality.

Teaching them the values and culture of the Kingdom, the preservation and respect for the Creation, the care and biblical morals for their minds, bodies and souls.

Teaching them to have friendship with Jesus and the Father through planting the habits of  Praying, Evangelising, healing the sick, Donate in Love and Live in the presence of Christ, to be doers of the word of God.

The Second Pillar

Go with Jesus:

The Great Command. Where the Holy Spirit is upon us to Serve the human souls around us, through the works of the Holy Spirit.

It is a missionary work which is a consequence of our Communion with Abba in our hearts and lives, leading us to GO with Jesus into the world!

It is the responsibility and the calling of each follower of Jesus Christ! Together we will achieve greater things!

Our tool is the Holy Spirit, our goal is to reach the lost world: evangelize, heal the sick, cast out demons and baptize them in water and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to obey all the commandments of the Lord Jesus. (See: Matthew 28, Matthew 10, Mark 16)

The Mission of the Communion With Abba is to Go With Jesus to fish the souls out of the world and placing them into Communion with Abba, the Father.

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28: 18 – 20 NIV.

The Third Pillar

Jesus Lifestyle

It’s an intense Teaching and Doing Program for the local Churches and home groups.

God has guided us to many nations around the world, and through our walk with Him, we learned how to work with the Body of Christ according to their different needs, to equip them and help them to become an effective disciples of Christ.

Our hearts deeply desire to lead each christian to receive the inheritance of Christ in their lives, becoming able to live the lifestyle of the Son of God!

The Goal of the Program is;

  • To lead our biblical understanding into a lifestyle of  present acts of obedience.
  • Understanding the spiritual realm of the two opposite kingdoms on the earth & What is their influence over our lives.
  • Understanding the message of the Gospel and the power of God for salvation.
  • To receive the inheritance of Christ and establish the glory of God within our souls.
  • Learn to satisfy your soul in knowing and living with the Father daily.
  • Learn to work with the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel effectively, pray for the sick, casting out demons and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • Organize Evangelisms in the neighbourhood of the Church/home groups, where the body of Christ will apply what they was taught, so they can engage the lifestyle of Jesus. (Put the Teaching into Practice).
  • Questions and answers period.

The First Pillar

We learning to allow the Holy Spirit to be united with our souls to empower our Character to manifest his fruits of Love, Joy, Peace..etc. To teach us to worship the Father and Christ through a life lived in the Spirit & in the Truth.

It is the very reason of the Gospel; Learning to live an Internal life of Communion with our Father personally and as the Family of Abba.

”Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Psalms 133:1 KJV

It’s a regular meetings in homes, where we seek the Glory of our Father together and praise him, we are commitited to seek and live in the presence of God and to be equipped to become an active disciple of the Lord Jesus and a manifested Son of God. We study and translate the word of God into the realities of our lives for the purpose of becoming doers of the word of God in all the areas of our lives.

As the Family of Abba, we love each other as Jesus loves us, equipping and helping one another spiritually and physically!

Communion with Abba (CWA):

We also have Communion with Abba for Kids, with the elaboration of own Biblical materials, approaching a practical life with the presence of Jesus in the children’s reality.

Teaching them to have friendship with Jesus and the Father through planting the habits of  Praying, Evangelising, healing the sick, Donate in Love and Live in the presence of Christ, to be doers of the word of God.

Teaching them the values and the culture of the Kingdom, the preservation and respect for the Creation, and biblical morals for their minds, bodies and souls.

The Second Pillar

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore Go and Make Disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28: 18 – 20 NIV.

Go with Jesus:

We Learning to allow the Holy Spirit to be upon us to Serve the human souls around us, by learning how to work with the Holy Spirit in accomplishing the Great Commission of the Gospel on Earth followed by miracles and wonders from Jesus!

It Is A Missionary Work which is a consequence of our Communion with Abba in our hearts and lives, leading us to Go With Jesus  to Save the World!

It is the Life Mission and the calling of each follower of Jesus Christ! Together we will achieve greater things!

Our Tool Is The Holy Spirit, Our Goal Is To Reach The Lost World: evangelize, heal the sick, cast out demons and baptize them in water and the Holy Spirit. 

Teaching them to understand and apply the strategy of the Lord to extend the Kingdom of God through their present lives on Earth and to become a faithful servants of the Lord Jesus. (See: Matthew 28, Matthew 10, Mark 16)

The Mission of the Communion With Abba is to Go With Jesus to fish the souls out of the world and placing them into Communion with Abba, the Father.

The Third Pillar

It’s an intense Teaching and Doing Program for the local Churches and Home Groups Churches.

God has guided us to many nations around the world, and through our walk with Him, we learned how to work with the Body of Christ according to their different needs, to equip them and help them to become an effective disciples of Christ.

Our hearts deeply desire to lead each christian to receive the inheritance of Christ in their lives, becoming able to live the lifestyle of the Son of God!

The Goal of the Program is:

  • To lead our biblical understanding into a lifestyle of  present acts of obedience.
  • Understanding the spiritual realm of the two opposite kingdoms on the earth & What is their influence over our lives.
  • Understanding the message of the Gospel and the power of God for salvation.
  • To receive the inheritance of Christ and establish the glory of God within our souls.
  • Learn to satisfy your soul in hearing, knowing and living with the Father daily.

Jesus Lifestyle

  • Learn to work with the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel effectively, pray for the sick, casting out demons and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • Organize Evangelisms in the neighbourhood of the Church/Home Church Groups, where the body of Christ will apply what they was taught, so they can engage the lifestyle of Jesus. (Put the Teaching into Practice).
  • Questions and answers period.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, who empowered us by the Holy Spirit, awaits our response to change the world! If you are a Pastor of a local Church or a Leader of a Home Group Church & would like to host Jesus lifestyle, you can invite by clicking on the button bellow.

If you want to be part of what God is doing in the Tent of Christianity Reformation, Please click on the button below.


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Ministry Christianity Reformation


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Follow Jesus & Live in Communion with Abba!