
An Angel of the Lord told me…

God Is YHWH!

I was praying to God, pouring out my heart him, and I got a dream. In the dream, I was beside a river! The river was not wide, but long, calm, and with running waters!

Suddenly an angel of the Lord came to me, He had big and strong wings and a glorious format of Light! And he began to minister in my life! The ministration was occurring so deep inside of me and I felt like someone who received a wonderful thing!

The Angel began to talk with me and asked: “What is the name of God? How do you call him?” And I answered: “Jehovah!”

Actually, I don’t use to call God by Jehovah’s name… but in the dream, this was my answer!

Once more the Angel asked: “What is the name of God? How do you call him?” And I answered again twice…“Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Jireh!”

The Angel turned to me and told me…“As God changed the name and the history of Abraham, He will change your name and will change your history!”

He said: “Through you, history will begin! History will be made! And you will call God by the name YHWH! You will know God as YHWH!”

After that, immediately I had a feeling that God will take me on a journey that I will know God as The God I AM”! The God who cannot be defined or frame in one word, such as Jehovah Jireh or Jehovah Rapha, among others! But a God who cannot be named, who cannot be sized!

I woke up different, as someone who received something deep!

The Interpretation…

In Joel 2: 28 the Bible says that God also communicates through Dreams and Visions and this is so much helpful to understand the languages and signs of the Spirit!

The Bible is full of histories of human servants of God having divine encounters with the Angels of the Lord, as Ministering Spirits, Protectors, Servants, Providers, Messengers, and warriors fighters from the Lord! (Hebrews 1: 14. Psalm 34: 7. Acts 12: 7-11. Daniel 6: 22. Genesis 24: 7. Acts 8: 26. Revelation 1: 1). Even the news of the Birth of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ came to God’s Servant Mary, through an Angel! How often the Bible mentioned Angels who ate with humans servants of God, like Abraham or delivered messages to the Priests, or they set Peter free from the jail, or even executed judgment against Sodom and Gomorrah!

The Angels of the Lord are still here, sent by God to minister in our lives, to execute God’s command on the earth, to serve us!

During our journey with God, we start to experience his attributes, revelations of his power, his personality, and characteristics. Which easily makes us define God by certain events and consequences in our lives! For example, in the Bible, God used to be the deliver of the Israel Army in times of war, when they walked in faithfulness with Him, so God became called: YHWH NISSI. When God manifested his mercy in healings, He became called: YHWH RAPHA. When God showed that His The Lord, Master and Owner of the whole earth and all which exists, he became called: ADONAI. When God manifested his righteousness in truth and provision, he became called: JEHOVAH JIREH.

However, when God desired to reveal who He is, as He is, simply how He is, He presented himself as I AM! YHWH!

Without a word who could be described him only for his attributes or characteristics, because He cannot be measured or seized or limited in words, thoughts or actions, for HE IS what HE IS! An Eternal, Holy, Powerful, Infinite Being… Without an end!

During my journey with God around many nations, living and experiencing so much joy, pain, peace, war, frustration, gratefulness, I have been growing, loving God and others practically, and having so much more experiences with God…But, I often saw the God who provided in my life, the God who protected me, the God who fought my battles with me, the God who healed me, the God who trained my hands to the battle, the God who strengthens me… And keep on doing so many wonders!

But I understood it is the time to know God, not by his attributes or the power of his hands, but by just Who He Is!

God wants to reveal to us His nature and being! Simply Who He Is!

I would like to encourage you, to together search God with all our minds, all our hearts, all our strengths… Just for who He Is! Nothing else! Not for what He can do for Us! But for He as He is!

Let us live this adventure together with God, once as more of God we discover and get, more of ourselves we discover and change! The journey is prepared for those who decide to walk the way!

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29: 13 NIV.

DREAMS & VISIONS With Atillah Attallah



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