Alert for Mexico!

March 6th, 2021.


 The Lord God showed me in dreams a civil war in Mexico!

I dreamed that I was in Mexico with my husband evangelizing on the streets the Gospel of Repentance.

Suddenly I saw rising two names in capital letters from the streets, which were: Antifa & Alianza. They were two different politically organized group, with the intention of dividing the nation of Mexico and rule over!

Suddenly all the streets became under terrorist attacks, violence, and murders. A big noise of shootings, explosions, screams… took all the streets!

I saw many men dressed in black clothes wearings masks covering their faces! They seemed to be civil people, normal citizen people. Mexico became a divided nation, full of angry, loss, and violence!

The foreign people which were in Mexico started to fill the airplanes trying to leave the country, for big insecurity and fear was made!

The Bible says that God alerts his people because He is a Loving Father, which does not be pleased in suffering and death! Therefore, He is calling the Nation of Mexico to Repent from its evil deeds, seek the face of The Lord God, and chose His righteousness! God’s desire is to save and to care for all humans, his arms are wide open waiting for each one to run for him!


Give your heart, your mind, your soul, and your life to Jesus Christ! Choose Righteousness and Life, instead of death and suffering! Come back Mexico, to God!

‘‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’’ 1 John 1: 9 NIV.


For the Church of Mexico:

It’s time to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in your own life and preach it in the streets! it’s time to purify yourself from the evil culture of sensuality, sexuality, the cult of the dead! It’s time to turn to Jesus and make him your Head and your Lord!
Put God first and let your obedience to Christ become the witness of the life of Christ in you, to all the world around you!


Behold the Glory of God!

Atillah Attallah



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